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Mathematics in Trades and Life

Section 3.2 Identifying Rates

A very important mathematical concept is rates. Often the rate at which something is happening is more important than the current scale or other measures. Here we will learn to identify rates from data.

Subsection 3.2.1 Differences

One way to measure rates is to look at the differences between data point.

Example 3.2.1. Compare Raises.

One of the purposes of graphing is to compare how data is changing. Here we will compare the way the raises for Vasya and Tien were calculated.
We know that Vasya’s salary rose by $5000 each year. We need to calculate how much Tien’s salary was raised each year. These calculations are in Table 3.2.2.
Notice that Tien’s raises were not the same amount each year. How did the raises change? Vasya’s raises were the same each year, so her salary changed by a constant amount. When the rate of change is constant we call the pattern linear. We will learn other patterns as well.
Table 3.2.2. Tien’s Raises
2018 $55,050.80-$52,429.33 =$2,621.47
2019 $57,803.34-$55,050.80 =$2,752.54
2020 $60,693.50-$57,803.34 =$2,890.17
2021 $63,728.18-$60,693.50 =$3,034.68

Definition 3.2.3. Linear Relation.

A relation is linear if and only if the rate of change is constant.
Note we used this constant addition property when working with ratio problems like Example 2.3.3. Relations defined by fixed ratios like these are linear.

Checkpoint 3.2.4.

Which of these employees’ raises were linear?
Moses Freya Jamal
$57,233.00 $61,199.00 $58,769.00
$61,239.31 $63,499.00 $61,924.00
$65,526.06 $65,799.00 $65,079.00
$70,112.89 $68,099.00 $68,234.00
$75,020.79 $70,399.00 $71,389.00
$80,272.24 $72,699.00 $74,544.00
Subtract consecutive pairs of salaries. If all the differences are the same, then that person’s raises were linear.
For linear data we noted that consecutive differences are always the same. In Example 3.2.5 to Example 3.2.8 we will see known data and how the differences look.

Example 3.2.5. Quadratic Data.

Note in Table 3.2.6 that the first differences are not the same. However, they increase in a suspiciously simple pattern. Checking the second differences (the differences of the 1st differences) we see a linear pattern. This turns out to be true for all quadratic data.
Table 3.2.6. Quadratic Data
\(n\) \(n^2\) 1st difference 2nd difference
1 1
2 4 4-1=3
3 9 9-4=5 5-3=2
4 16 16-9=7 7-5=2
5 25 25-16=9 9-7=2
6 36 36-25=11 11-9=2

Definition 3.2.7. Quadratic Relation.

A relation is quadratic if and only if the second differences are constant.

Example 3.2.8. Exponential Data.

In Table 3.2.9 the differences are not the same nor do they show the pattern of quadratics. However, there is a pattern in the differences. Notice that the differences are exactly equal to the original data. This measn the rate is determined by the current scale. This is the pattern of data that varies exponentially.
Table 3.2.9. Exponential Data
\(n\) \(2^n\) Difference
1 2
2 4 4-2=2
3 8 8-4=4
4 16 16-8=8
5 32 32-16=16
6 64 64-32=32
Note that the differences for exponential data are not always exactly equal to the data.

Example 3.2.10. Exponential Data Differences.

In Table 3.2.11 note that the differences are not exactly equal to the original numbers. However, note that \(6=2 \cdot 3\) \(18=2 \cdot 9\text{,}\) and \(54=2 \cdot 27\text{.}\) The differences are double the original numbers. In general for exponential data the differences will be the original data scaled by some number.
Table 3.2.11. Exponential Data with Scale
\(n\) \(3^n\) Difference
1 3
2 9 9-3=6
3 27 27-9=18
4 81 81-27=54
5 243 243-81=162
6 729 729-243=486

Definition 3.2.12. Exponential Relation.

A relation is exponential if and only if the differences are a multiple of the original values, that is the rate is proportional to the value.

Subsection 3.2.2 Quotients

Rather than thinking about the change as the difference (subtraction) of consecutive numbers (salaries in these examples), we can consider the percent increase for each pair of consecutive numbers.

Example 3.2.13. Salary Percent Incease.

We will first calculate the percent increase of salary each year for Tien and Vasya. Because salary numbers are exact, we will not use significant digits. Rather we will round to the nearest percent. This is in Table 3.2.14 and Table 3.2.15.
Notice that for Tien the percent increase is the same each year. It is 5%. For Vasya, the percent increase is not the same each year. How does the percent increase change for her?
Table 3.2.14. Percent Increase for Tien
2018 $55,050.80/$52,429.33 =1.05
2019 $57,803.34/$55,050.80 =1.05
2020 $60,693.50/$57,803.34 =1.05
2021 $63,728.18/$60,693.50 =1.05
Table 3.2.15. Percent Increase for Vasya
2018 $67,347.23/$62,347.23 =1.08
2019 $72,347.23/$67,347.23 =1.07
2020 $77,347.23/$72,347.23 =1.07
2021 $82,347.23/$77,347.23 =1.06

Definition 3.2.16. Exponential.

A relation is exponential if and only if the percent increase is constant.
Althought Definition 3.2.12 and Definition 3.2.16 are phrased differently they both accurately describe exponential relations. Generally it is easier to test if data is exponential by testing the ratios of terms rather than the differences. Table 3.2.17 shows an example of both.
Table 3.2.17. Exponential Data 2 Ways
n \(5\left(\frac{4}{3}\right)^n\) Difference Ratio
1 \(\frac{20}{3}\)
2 \(\frac{80}{9}\) \(\frac{20}{9}\) \(\frac{4}{3}\)
3 \(\frac{320}{27}\) \(\frac{80}{27}\) \(\frac{4}{3}\)
4 \(\frac{1280}{81}\) \(\frac{320}{81}\) \(\frac{4}{3}\)
5 \(\frac{5120}{243}\) \(\frac{1280}{243}\) \(\frac{4}{3}\)
6 \(\frac{20480}{729}\) \(\frac{5120}{729}\) \(\frac{4}{3}\)

Exercises 3.2.3 Exercises

1. Determine Rate.

2. Check if Linear.

3. Check if Linear.

4. Check if Linear.

5. Check if Linear.

6. Find Slope for Linear.

7. Determine Rate.

8. Determine Rate.

9. Determine Rate.

10. Determine Rate.

11. Determine Rate.

12. Validity of Model.

13. Write next terms.

14. Write next terms.

15. Write next terms.